Friday, March 2, 2012

Top 10 Signs of Infidelity

We all fear of infidelity from our partners.  This still remains the top reason for the breakup between couples.  But before that happens, there are signs that your spouse or partner is dipping into the restricted honeypot.  Let's face those signs and act on it, instead of lulling ourselves to a fantasy that will shatter soon.

1.  Your partner will put extra effort in being more attractive.  This may come in the form of losing weight or the extra zeal to go to the gym, going for botox or slimming procedure.  A woman who suddenly would go for the very painful procedure of brazilian wax, after your trip,  is probably having an affair.

2.  In this cellphone-crazed country, the sign of infidelity is even more glaring.  Your partner will texts more often and when the phone rings, there is this guarded look on his/her face for a second and she/he will find an excuse to go somewhere else of not hearing distance.  Some even take too long in the bathroom because that's where they texts or talk to their mistresses.

3.  Your partner will become emotionally distant.  You can't really pinpoint circumstances but you will definitely feel that your once sweet and caring partner would not talk to you about his work, his friends or his hobbies. If you reach out to him, the more he will move away.

4.  Prolonged office hours, late night work, business trips would be more frequent than the usual.  And when you start questioning it, instead of explaining it properly and patiently, your partner would be angry and defensive.

5.  Your partner would exhibit an emotional roller coaster worse than your teenage daughters.  One day, he/she will be so happy that nothing can faze his world.  And another day, he would be angry and dejected , problematic and distant. He won't confide in you, and you are left confused.  Thing is, most relationships go through the cycle of romantic love, misunderstandings and arguments, fights and passion.  And all these are heightened at the start of a romantic relationship.

6.  He/She spends more time in the computer , hooked up in the internet, chatting the night away.   And you cannot seem to pull him/her away from the computer.  If you insist, then a fight will ensue.

7.  He/She is not there during the holidays.  The list of reason can be quite long, depending on the creativity of the unfaithful person.  But bottom-line is He/She Is Not There for the holidays, of if he/she is there, it is cut short or suddenly he/she needs to run an errand somewhere, meet an important person some place.

8.  There will be days when he/she would bolt out of the door in an unscheduled time.  Unless he is a network engineer , or an OB-GYNE, if you know his profession does not demand unscheduled time outs, most likely he is out to meet his other girl on a secret rendezvous.  Thing is an affair, although exciting , will also have its moments of insecurities, unreasonable demands due to the nature of the relationship.  If you are the other woman, and you know that your man is with his family, you would sit on your house , biting your nails, wondering if he is making love with his wife.  The fear is eating you alive, and the insecurity grows.  So the other woman calls the man and demands to see him "to test his love for her" or to just hug her tight to remind her how much he loves her.  The man, trying to control the situation, would try to get out of the house and meet her.

9.  When your partner comes home looking fresh and newly showered, chances are he just took a quick shower from the motel or hotel with his mistress.  When you come from the offices, the normal behavior is to go home and take the shower in your home.    If you want to confirm this, give him a BJ if you are a girl and give her a cunnilingus if you are boy.  If he/she refuses you vehemently, sad to say that is a strong sign that she/he just came from a rowdy sex.

10.   When he takes more leaves (sick leave or vacation leave) from the office or a series of prolonged lunches, without telling you , and he is obviously not home, then he is likely to be meeting another girl on the side.  If there are a lot of unaccounted time away, then this is a sign that your partner is probabaly having an affair.  

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